
What oft was thought is a personal chronicle of events and information from the Thirty-Second Annual Kellogg Institute for Developmental Education at Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina, Summer 2011. ~ Written by Caroline Seefchak, Ph.D., Edison State College, Fort Myers, Florida.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A little inundated, little time left

So much for Peace, Love, Boone ... how about research, write, revise?  We have several written assignments due this week, and the general populace here at Kellogg is generally crazed.

Today was the culmination of the leadership seminar, and most of the residence hall residents were up most of the night completing lengthy group projects that were due today.  My group presented managerial styles using the literature of Charles Dickens.  You had to be there.

I have just completed by practicum prospectus, eight single-spaced pages.  I have two more important things to complete, I'll take a deep breadth, and then I'll get back into Peace, Love, Boone mode.

I can't believe this will be over in just a few days!

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